Kazakhstan vs the World

Published by Lucia Ševčíková on

As the entire world is tensely watching the World Championship Match between Nepo and Ding, there was another very interesting and strong tournament played in Astana in Kazakhstan. From the 17th to the 20th of April, there was a women’s match between the Kazakhstan selection and the World selection. Each team had eight players and has to have one player from categories U14, U16, U18 and U20.

Kazakhstan vs the World
Stev Bonhage
Photo: FIDE / Stev Bonhage – Team Kazakhstan

They played two days of rapid chess and one day of blitz, with a $50.000 prize fund. The double Scheveningen system had a time control of 15+10 for the rapid games and 3+2 for the blitz tournament.

The Kazakh team included stars like Bibisara Assaubayeva or Zhansaya Abdumalik and the World’s team was led by Hou Yifan, the Women’s World Chess Champion from years 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017 and the highest-rated women player.

Kazakhstan vs the World
Stev Bonhage
Photo: FIDE / Stev Bonhage – Team World

The first three rounds of the rapid tournament ended with a win for the World’s team. The fourth round give the Kazakh team a breakthrough and they finally won. It made the score 18,5:13,5 for the World team.

The following day of the rapid tournament, both teams made 16 points and the World’s team was still leading 34,5:29,5. Surprisingly, the best rapid players of the tournament were the two 16-years old girls, Alua Nurmanova from Kazakhstan, and Gaal Zsoka from the World team, both scoring 6 points from 8 games. Here are the full results of the rapid.

Kazakhstan vs the World
Gaal Zsoka
Photo: Anna Shtourman
Photo: FIDE / Anna Shtourman – Gaal Zsoka

The blitz tournament ended with a result of 38,5:25,5 for the World’s team. The experienced players of the World’s team gave a good, balanced performance and didn’t give a chance for the Kazakh team to get back to the match.

For some of the young players, this was the first top adult event. They got very important experience which will be very beneficial for their future rise. In the end, the World’s team won the match by 73:55.

Categories: Tournament


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